“See that person over there?”, he asks in hushed tones. “She’s a Healer.” With a sudden jolt of awe, excitement, and fear the other replies, “Is she a sorcerer?” The title Healer, especially Energy Healer, word evokes strong emotions. It calls to mind a mystic, magical, secret kind of art conjuring images both wondrous and scandalous. Yet its allure draws us in wide-eyed as we seek assurance that all is well, all is safe. Some call it the Devil’s work. Too often energy healers are associated with witchcraft, dark magic, and other occult practices. We don’t have a magic wand, pixie dust, or miracle in our pocket. In truth, energy healers lay little claim to magic. The mystical side belongs to psychics, astrologers, mediums, and the like. Energy Healers do not practice dark arts or witchcraft. We are aware of energy in the same way you are aware of the air. Sometimes the air is still and clear, maybe now cold and damp. Other times it carries dust, humidity, sound, smells; it blows hard or gently. Sometimes you can forecast a coming change like a storm. You are not a mystic. You rely on your senses to become aware of the air and understand what it carries. A healer relies on his or her senses to become aware of energy - whether in the air, in your body, around you, or in a place – and understands what it carries. As you use your senses, experience, and knowledge to guide you through life, a healer uses his or her senses, experience, and knowledge to guide you through healing. We guide you to find and release the stuck energy on all levels of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. After the release, energy flows and healing begins. The same kind of healing your body begins once a broken bone is set, or when antibiotics boost your body’s infection response.
into experimental practices, were refined, and are now widely accepted as effective. While energy healing has been around for many centuries, it has not been subject to rigorous scientific method. Why would it be? Scientific experimentation is costly. Long ago it was written off in European and Western-style science as farcical, whimsey, and just plain nonsense. Yet today, scientific inquiry and experimentation demonstrates some energy techniques are effective, especially when used with more traditional Western medicine. The problem comes from the fact that there are so many different types of healers, so many methods, and no common definition complicating both measures and experiment designs. (see “A Consideration of the Perspectives of Healing Practitioners on Research Into Energy Healing”)
just tired of being treated like a lab rat. They need love, support, and compassion. They want someone to see them as a complete human with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual desires. You will find nearly all energy practitioners want to help you. They are caring individuals. But not all of them are right for you. Only you can select the healers for your team. That goes for doctors, therapists, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals too. Someone may be great in their field, but not right for you. If you see a surgeon, that person will tell you the benefits of surgery. Does that mean surgery is your best option? If a prescribed medicine has a side effect worse than the disease being treated, maybe you need a different medicine. You need to do research and make hard decisions. It is the same with energy healers. You need to research not only the technique but also the person. Maybe you schedule or request a consultation before committing to the process. Consider costs, technique, work style, and your comfort with that person. Do one session to see how it works for you. If you are uncomfortable, you can stop the session or not go back for more.
client. With those modalities, the practitioner will read the energy field (aura, chakras, etc.). Based on her perception, she will apply interventions to restore the energy field as best she can. Other modalities, like mine, are client engaged. A client engaged modality uses the client’s own self-knowledge and the wisdom of the client’s own mind to reframe emotion and spiritual wounds to release blocked energy. These highly interactive sessions empower the client as a co-healer for a safe, effective healing session. Healing Touch is an example of a practitioner performing techniques to help the client. If a client comes in with leg pain, for example, the practitioner will find the pain spike. She will use one or more techniques to clear the field and reduce or eliminate the pain. She may also identify an injury that caused the pain and apply other techniques to assist the body’s ability to repair and recover. The five stages were completed by the practitioner alone. She acknowledged the pain and the injury when reading the field. She accepted it as she began using her techniques to get to the root of the pain – the injury. She loved it and forgave it through her gentle touch and understanding. Finally, she released it from the cllient’s energy field and body.
sides. Unlike a therapist who specializes in trauma therapies to resolve and eliminate the cause, an energy healer guides you to reframe the event’s energy pattern and signature to non-harmful patterns. We use a combination of techniques to bridge the time and space between the wounding and the present. Reframing techniques then empower you bring balance to mind, body, and spirit by changing the emotional response to the wound. Some reframing techniques include memory rewrite, color replacement, and energy exchange. The client actively reframes the event to resolve the mental and physical aspects of the wound. We use spiritual techniques to address spiritual wounds giving voice to the part of you that needed to be expressed, seen, loved, valued, and protected. The combination of techniques empowers you to fulfill unmet needs, take back your personal value and worth, and to honor yourself as a whole person. The five stages are achieved through the processes of finding the emotions in your body, giving them physical characteristics (acknowledge), uncover the key emotion(s) at the point of the wound (acceptance), create and apply interventions (love). Forgive comes when you hug that younger self who endured the wound. We do one more step to integrate the change into your being immediately which releases the wound. It may take more than one session. Your body, mind, and spirit can take only so much energy work and emotional processing at any given time. We choose a focus or intention and dig through the layers before applying any interventions. It is highly interactive where you are engaged throughout the session and in total control of yourself and what we do.
And yet, the artist provides inspiration, sudden insights, hunches, and funny feelings we can’t explain. Energy healing taps the artist’s voice giving you insights into hidden energy blocks. Applying interventions leads the way to restarting healthy energy flow.
Interventions use the imagination to create new, healthy energy pathways. When you watch a movie, you feel the intense emotions in a threatening situation, or the tender emotions of a heartbreak. Your artist mind puts you in the story. You feel and experience the character’s journey as if it were you. That power is used to replace your emotions at the block’s origin with new emotions. New emotions create new pathways to unstick the energy. The energy now flows letting you heal. It is an incredible power. It is yours to use. Everyone uses this power all the time. Did you ever relive an argument? Did you change what was said and what you did? And did doing so help you feel better by releasing the anger, self-criticism, or other strong emotion? That is the power energy healers use. We further it by specifically directing the substitution, augment it with new emotions, help you make the experience real, and help you integrate it to achieve your desired results. Your healing continues after the session. Changes take some time to integrate fully into your body, mind, and life. Old habits hang around until they are replaced with new ones. The energy change is as fast as running a 100-yard dash. The body and habit changes are like running the 100-yard dash underwater. Give it time to fully manifest being gentle with yourself. Healing is hard work. It takes great courage to become vulnerable to yourself and to a stranger. Find healers you trust. Good healers know their limits. Most will tell you when they can no longer serve you. Whenever possible, good healers help you find others as your journey continues. Comments are closed.
AuthorI am Ryan. Like you, I am on this journey of life. I never intended to be a healer, but I was the moth and energy the flame. Archives
October 2023
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